April 18, 2008

Natural Highs

~Laughing so hard your face hurts

~Lying in bed listining to the rain outside.

~Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.

~Waking up to the smell of hot Coffee(ice capp) that someone
else has made for you.

~Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.

~ Riding a bike downhill.

~ Hot towels out of the dryer.

~Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.

~Mom telling you she loves you no matter how old you are.

~ Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a
much-desired present from you.

~Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for
another beautiful day.

~ Sitting on your deck with the sun on you reading a book.

~ The interrupting sound of my kids arguing because I can
hear them.

~ Hearing from your spouse that you are irreplaceable.


April 07, 2008

Patti Needs......complements of google

I did a google search for "Patti needs" and this is what I got. ... Amy and Amanda did it........

1. Patti needs to buy a new computer.

2. I’m Patti and if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s prepare for a party.

3. Patti needs to take in high quantities of concentrated enzymes that will help to break down the fibrin meshwork.

4. Patti needs to follow her own advice ...

5. Patty needs to know that God’s judgment is not based on popularity and that repentance precedes forgiveness and restitution follows. ...

6. Patti needs to be checked.

7. Patti is so honest and trustworthy. She put our needs 1st above anything else. I would recommend her to anyone.

8. Patti needs a cause

9. Patty needs to understand there are three main objectives that she must stick to or else her planning will fail.

10. Patti needs to go back to her mid-range where she is the strongest, and stike to ballads and classics.

11. Patti needs to start rehearsing her Tony acceptance speech because she's a shoo-in.

12. Patti needs her sales staff to pick up the pace

13. Patti needs to keep up good work.

14. Patti needs a make-over: until she takes care of herself.

15. Patti Needs More Exposure.

And that's what google thinks I need. I'll have to work on that. LOL

With Christ
The Only Way
To Fail
Is To Quit.

April 02, 2008

New Year. New Dreams...Joy...Hurt....Discoveries...

With the New Year came something VERY new to me...I have always been quit strong in my optimistic outlook on things that happen to Me in life. Some pretty drastic things have happen and I always stood strong on my faith and optimistic ways of finding strength.

Come New Year I suddenly was feeling things that I had not let myself feel. Some were past hurts, disappointments, grief, love, fears,...........I was totally lost in all this feeling that I was almost unlivable to my children,Mark, and friends . I had an insecure, scared, lost and very troubled couple of months. The more hurt and scared and insecure I got,the more I was closing doors to everyone except Mark and my kids. But I wasn't really getting what I was needing. Mark had went away on a trip at a time when I needed his security which left me feeling even more lost and scared. I didn't understand the feelings and my inability to find my usual optimistic self. My mom, my spiritual rock(next to God)kept talking to me and telling me to listen to praise music and read. On ( a ) saturday she had to get me out of bed at 3:00 in the afternoon and had me go out with her just to get out.

I must face my obsicles and let hurt to be felt and recover instead of let them be shelved .
I have listened to alot of praise and read a few books and my bible to find Me,a new me .
I have found a new love for my husband, my kids have always been my joy. Cheyenne wrote a quote and posted it by the computer "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.....it's about learning to dance in the rain." of course she has wit to toss you for a loop too. She came to me one day and asked what was wrong..... I replied I seemed to forget how to dance in the rain. ......she then replies "oh mom, just make it up, it don't matter" ........and walked away like there ya go, all fixed. Made me smile knowing that's me I'm listening to. Kyler he just walks up and hugs you full force no words necessary .
I found Love in my husband, joy in my children,faith in my mother, support and concern in my dad and stepmom, and patience in all of you who saw something wasn't right and offered your support.
I HAVE joy, I HAVE love, I HAVE faith , I HAVE friends that love me, I HAVE an awsome niece and nephew, I HAVE security, ...............
Patti is back .
I think thats why the drama EVERYTHING was so awsome. It reminded me that Jesus will jump in if I am doing everything I can to get to him.