April 07, 2008

Patti Needs......complements of google

I did a google search for "Patti needs" and this is what I got. ... Amy and Amanda did it........

1. Patti needs to buy a new computer.

2. I’m Patti and if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s prepare for a party.

3. Patti needs to take in high quantities of concentrated enzymes that will help to break down the fibrin meshwork.

4. Patti needs to follow her own advice ...

5. Patty needs to know that God’s judgment is not based on popularity and that repentance precedes forgiveness and restitution follows. ...

6. Patti needs to be checked.

7. Patti is so honest and trustworthy. She put our needs 1st above anything else. I would recommend her to anyone.

8. Patti needs a cause

9. Patty needs to understand there are three main objectives that she must stick to or else her planning will fail.

10. Patti needs to go back to her mid-range where she is the strongest, and stike to ballads and classics.

11. Patti needs to start rehearsing her Tony acceptance speech because she's a shoo-in.

12. Patti needs her sales staff to pick up the pace

13. Patti needs to keep up good work.

14. Patti needs a make-over: until she takes care of herself.

15. Patti Needs More Exposure.

And that's what google thinks I need. I'll have to work on that. LOL


Shaun and Holly said...

I love 2, 7 and 11!!!!!
Too funny!!

Roxanne said...


Maureen said...

I so have to figure out how to do this. I've tried.
maybe I need nothing.
Ya right!
These are so neat I can't wait to see mine.

Amy said...

hA!HA!! That is too too funny---I love that you need concentrated enzymes! HA!!

Are you working on your speech yet?